Wednesday 17 June 2020

Journey to Jamboree

Due to the Covid Pandemic the journey to the next National Regatta, then Venture, then on to the 23rd NZ Scout Jamboree has just got a year longer.

Our gnome friends are a bit disappointed that they have longer to wait. But mostly they are excited because they can get to go and meet more Keas, Cubs, Scouts, Venturers, Rovers, Leaders and Families along the way.

Wednesday 3 June 2020

Larry's on the Move.

New Zealand is out of lockdown from the COVID-19 pandemic and life is slowly starting again.
Kaua e noho noa, he mahi tāu. Don't laze around, you have work to do.

Jackson, 1st Dargaville Junior Leader Venturer, has started his official training journey. Nikau, from Kamo Venturers kindly talked through the Venturing Explained course and I decided it was time to check out the Kamo Scout Group based in Whangarei.

Ka kite anō i a koe ākuanei 1st Dargaville Scout Group.