Monday 2 March 2020

Larry at Moana Rua Zone Camp

Larry spent last weekend at the Moana Rua Scout Zone's Founders' Weekend Camp with Ōwairaka Sea Scouts.

Founders Weekend 2020

Founders' Weekend 2020

He had a look at the camp. The gateway, and the liferaft were good for lazing. But the climbing wall, and confidence course looked like they would take far too much effort.  Larry was possibly the only one on the entire campsite who was glad the mudslide was postponed due to the water shortage. Sliding down a steep hill into a pond of muddy water! No thank you, that just sounds like asking to be chipped, or cracked, or worse.

Owairaka Sea Scouts
Larry quite liked the look of one of the Leaders' chairs, but then it got left out in the rain. And when he saw what happened to the Leader's trousers he was very glad he stayed in the cook tent.

After spending Jamboree and some of the first term with Ōwairaka Sea Scouts Larry decided that he'd better make a move and explore he hospitality of another Scout Group. So on Sunday morning he took a few friends up the hill to meet Hawke Sea Scouts 

They seemed quite nice so Larry thought he'd hang around with them for a bit. He might even go to that Northland Scout Regatta they were talking about. But then that might just be too much effort for a lazy gnome.

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