Thursday 3 June 2021

News travels slowly when you're concrete

Larry was gnome-naped from Kamo by the UNI Regional team in November last year.

And rumour has it that he has taken a liking to life with the Kirikiriroa Scout Group.

Larry, we know you are one chilled out and lazy gnome. But your public need you! What is life like for you in the 'tron?

Wednesday 17 June 2020

Journey to Jamboree

Due to the Covid Pandemic the journey to the next National Regatta, then Venture, then on to the 23rd NZ Scout Jamboree has just got a year longer.

Our gnome friends are a bit disappointed that they have longer to wait. But mostly they are excited because they can get to go and meet more Keas, Cubs, Scouts, Venturers, Rovers, Leaders and Families along the way.

Wednesday 3 June 2020

Larry's on the Move.

New Zealand is out of lockdown from the COVID-19 pandemic and life is slowly starting again.
Kaua e noho noa, he mahi tāu. Don't laze around, you have work to do.

Jackson, 1st Dargaville Junior Leader Venturer, has started his official training journey. Nikau, from Kamo Venturers kindly talked through the Venturing Explained course and I decided it was time to check out the Kamo Scout Group based in Whangarei.

Ka kite anō i a koe ākuanei 1st Dargaville Scout Group.

Wednesday 6 May 2020

Trash the Trash Day

Scouts Trash the Trash Day is an International project for Scouts around the world, where each Scout is challenged to pick up at least 1 kilo of trash on the first Saturday in May.

Dargaville and Surrounds got a good clean cos our Scouts totally Trashed the Trash!

Go the Scouts! The environment loves you!


COVID-19 may have changed the way we do things, but it didn't stop Scouts camping!
Northumberland scouts organised a month long Virtual Camp across April. Ending with an attempt to set the world record for the Largest Virtual Camp on the 30th April.

1st Dargaville Scouts were up for the Challenge. Across our group, there were Kea's, Cub's, Scouts and Leaders adding to the numbers of 'as many people as possible' participating.

Tuesday 21 April 2020

Scouting At Home gets Weekly Activity Drops from ScoutsNZ.
Activity Drop #4 had Marble Track and Our Culture in their programme focus from Adventure and Community core areas. I played an important role of Supervisor. Check out the mini-pioneering challenges inspired by Hora Hora Scout Group.

My scout chose Cambodia to learn more about this week. He learnt Khmer greetings and for cuisine, he cooked up some Kway teow minus dog.
Necker Scarf Flip Challenge

1st Dargaville scouts really got the moves on doing the Necker Scarf Flip Challenge. They had to put their scarf on their foot then flick it up and over their head, no hands!

I was going to have a go at the Necker Scarf Flip, but decided to take a wee break. While I was taking my break the scouts at home used me as target practice. You may see the black scarf with gold edge from the 1st Dargaville scouts, but also there is a Venturer from Hora Hora Scout Group here too who needed some target practice.
Easter 2020 @Home. Same story - Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey. Nails to remind us that on Friday Jesus was nailed to a cross - it hurt but before he died he prayed and asked God to forgive the people who were hurting him so badly. The stone reminds of the tomb that has a really big stone over the entrance. On Sunday morning, Mary one of Jesus' friends, went to the tomb and found a big surprise! The huge stone had been rolled away from the entrance to the tomb! Last egg is empty! This reminds us that Jesus' tomb was empty. He was alive then and he's alive today, too.

Sunday 12 April 2020

Scouting at Home but also the World

Scouting at Home has its challenges but also I get to do some great activities with my whānau whāngai.

Scouts NZ email a Weekly Activity Drop and my scout leaders, Seal and Kereru, add extra challenges based on the Scout Award Scheme, as well as some random challenges from social media.

I got to do JOTI and see scouts from all over the world. There was lots of learning webinars and things to watch, like the Talent Show. My favourite part was getting onto the Minecraft server. My family doesn't know, but I got up in the middle of the night to see Bear Grylls - he is a legend, only to find out I could have watched the recording with everyone at a reasonable hour. I did think doing the Campfire at 6.30am was odd.

Here's a photo of me getting to know the JOTI campsite:

And here's a photo of me in my Make a Shelter from Week 2 Activity Drop from Scouts NZ.

Lockdown 2020

Life came to a sudden stand still in March and April. There is a virus called COVID-19 which is very contagious. It was decided that the safest place for everyone was in their own homes.

It was very tough for me at first, because the 1st Dargaville Scout den is a place of activity. I was enjoying spending my week lying around being entertained by the fabulous Kea's. Their leaders, Whio and Weka do a marvellous job - too energetic for me. And then the Cubs would bounce in with their leaders, Raksha and Kaa. They look very smart in their uniforms. I did try to make sure my hat was straight for parade.

The scout section was right up my alley. Master Chef Mystery Box cook challenge. I LOVE scouts! Macaroni cheese and apple crumble with custard. Best food ever!

And then LOCKDOWN! No, no, no, no. I was left all alone in an empty den. I did manage to catch up on my sleep in peace and quiet. But I was getting a bit lonely. Fortunately, the kind Group Leader rescued me just in time and now I am able to join in the digital world of scouting from home. I get to see all my friends, and do some very cool things.

1st Dargaville Scout Den

My new Scout Group are very nice. I was introduced at their next Scout meeting. They were proudly showing off their trophy as "Top Land Group" and flaunting their "Camping Standard Pennant".

Everyone knows it was because of me, we won the trophy. With my good looks, how could the judges overlook this troop.
Dargaville scouts tried to tell me that they won last year before I started on this journey, and they do have proof. It's engraved on the back for everyone to see! These guys are clever.

Does anyone know what the MMGB Scout Group in 2013 stands for?