Sunday 12 April 2020

Scouting at Home but also the World

Scouting at Home has its challenges but also I get to do some great activities with my whānau whāngai.

Scouts NZ email a Weekly Activity Drop and my scout leaders, Seal and Kereru, add extra challenges based on the Scout Award Scheme, as well as some random challenges from social media.

I got to do JOTI and see scouts from all over the world. There was lots of learning webinars and things to watch, like the Talent Show. My favourite part was getting onto the Minecraft server. My family doesn't know, but I got up in the middle of the night to see Bear Grylls - he is a legend, only to find out I could have watched the recording with everyone at a reasonable hour. I did think doing the Campfire at 6.30am was odd.

Here's a photo of me getting to know the JOTI campsite:

And here's a photo of me in my Make a Shelter from Week 2 Activity Drop from Scouts NZ.

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